ATTENTION : Service interruption on Monday 11 July from 12:30 to 13:00 all the CCSD's websites (Sciencesconf, HAL, Episciences, AureHAL) will be inaccessible (network hardware connection).
This training school focuses on models and techniques for IoT access networks. The training school will alternate between theoretical courses and experimental training sessions on FIT/CorteXlab platform with GNU radio.
Theoretical courses will be given by leading experts in signal processing, information theory and wireless networking.
Training sessions will be coached by our experts in GNU radio and communication system firmware design.
More precisely, you will
Learn important new techniques to model wireless networks for the Internet of things (Finite Blocklength Information Theory, Game Theory, Learning, Network Coding, Estimation theory).
Overview the most recent protocols and technical solutions designed for IoT (through a dedicated special panel session).
Experiment on the FIT/CorteXlab platform to design new PHY/MAC protocols
Participate in a competitive and exciting challenge to optimize the communication stack for a NBIoT based scenario.